Leetcode Accomplishment — 50 Days Badge 2024!

Maggie Dong
May 3, 2024


On April 29, as I submit an answer for the Daily Leetcode question, I receive this pop up. It says “Congratulations, 50 Days Badge 2024! Awarded to top 6.9% of Leetcoders solving problems 50+ days in 2024”.

My first coding award!

Upon receiving this award, I was very pleasantly surprised and actually quite happy and a bit sentimental. This is a visual mark of when I realized that yes, I am making progress as an aspiring engineer. This progress — even if deemed to be small — was very tough for me to make, and I feel proud that I am able to visualize my development, that I am moving forward.



Maggie Dong
Maggie Dong

Written by Maggie Dong

High school student, climate activist, YAPA Kids

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